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I found this CD in the gutter up the street the other day while out walking the dog. Apparently, Emily has moved on. The disk may have fallen out of her car but I think she frisbee’d it out the window and it bounced off a tree. From what I can gather… she’s with someone else now. These things happen.
But, to give Billy some credit. He does have a nice ear for expressing himself through overused popular music. I can’t compliment him on his handwriting though. Or his heart-drawings for that matter.
But, what can you do?
You can get pissed and let her know it about 4 tracks in! Start off nice and sweet and then! Yeah! Take that. “Don’t touch my girl.” I’m not sure who sings this song – (I am old) – but it really fires me up! If i were a pissed off 16 year old – this would speak to me. But then I’d balance it with a classic.
“Hey Dad, what was that song they used for Michelle Obama? The blind guy?”
And then The BloodHound Gang? Really… gonna win her back with this?
But then we go way back to the 90’s. I think I may have used a few of these songs for the same purpose. Regardless of generation, all broken heart mixtapes have a Cure track. When I mixed in The Cure, I think I had to pull if off a tape. Damn. Do they still make blank tapes?
I forget who that tape was for. I wonder if she still has it? It probably ended up in a gutter somewhere. Some guy remixed I bet.
Ah well, Yo Boy Billy. I wish you the best. It may be time for some “Journey.”
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