On Woensdag (Wednesday), we left Amsterdam for Reno. Well, we attempted to leave Amsterdam for Reno. The daily Usairways flight from AMS to PHL was full and rather than roll the dice on one flight we figured a safer bet would be to roll the dice on two relatively full flights out of Frankfurt. And if we didn’t make these flights? Hey, we get to spend the night in Germany! Fortunately, we had three days to meet my folks and grandparents in Reno. This was Wednesday and we were to meet them Friday.
We bought two tickets for the ICE train to Germany. It’s a high-speed train that tops out at 175MPH between cities! Although the room we were in held six, we only shared it with one lady who played Sudoku in German. Sudoku is the international language of road warriors.
Upon arrival in Frankfurt, we only had an hour before the first of our two options for the states so we sprinted straight for the ticket counter. This flight was to Charlotte and from there we had a few options to get to Phoenix and then off to Reno.
I didn’t have to understand German to know the agent wasn’t happy about us showing up an hour before departure for an international flight. I’m bearded with a backpack, smiling telling her, “Today, tomorrow, next week. Whenever. No stress.”
“Run!” She says. “You may make it.”
So much for pleasantries.
At security I got manhandled. I should have paid him for the attention he gave me. Security was both fast and friendly and done at the gate so the line was short. (The boarding was nearly finished so there was no line.)
We were the second from the last of the freeloaders to get on and sat separate from each other which was unfortunate because typically I get the meaty portions of my wife’s meal. My seatmate didn’t seem too interested in obliging me in my coach class habits. “You gonna eat your fat?”
Landed in CLT and I made the command decision to call it a day and spend the night in a hotel. The Phoenix flights were full – as were the connecting flights to Reno and rather than spend all day cramped in a plane, we’d rest and try again in the morning. I called the same hotel we stay at with the airline since it has several nasty food options within a walk that all sounded pretty good after a day of traveling – Waffle House, Cracker Barrel, and some sloppy buffet place with squeaky green beans and overly buttered rolls.
Looking at the next day’s flight options, the most open westbound flight was an early San Francisco flight that would get us in at 9 am PT. We could spend the day in San Francisco and then take an early morning Gotobus to Reno for $30 each. We found this option after Googling, “bus Reno from San Francisco”.
And this is where we are now… hours from the bus ride to Reno! The bus caters to the casino crowd and with a few extra bucks you can buy some chips for Harrah’s and get a free steak. Since the bus leaves from Chinatown, I’m hoping it’s full of aging Chinese ladies off for a day at the casino. And us, two weary travelers with bulging backpacks and well-used iPods.
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